Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sixth Grade trip to Lagoon and stealing the lights

We took a field trip in 6th grade to our local 'permanent fair' called Lagoon. It is Utah's weak attempt at a theme park....its ok but in 6th grade, it was the world......rides, soda....girls.... ahhh yeah.

We decided (and when I say 'we' it was probably my idea) to steal the colored caps off as many lights in the park as we could get our hands on. So every ride we would try to find ways to nab the covers off the lights as the ride was whizzing by.

I can't believe we didn't lose a hand, finger, access to the park. We never got caught and made it onto the bus with like 20 light covers. Our teacher found them and returned them to the park....we kept one. Don't know where it is today.

Remember Brandi and Lori Latimer? I can't believe they didn't punch us. Today we would go to jail for stalking.

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